Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB® will allow students to build on their knowledge of mechanics and calculus to develop an interest in the classical principles of robotics and mechanism systems. Instructors will find this a useful teaching tool and even experts will be able to appreciate its clear, informative approach. Unformatted text preview: Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB® Dan B. Marghitu Mechanisms and Robots ® Analysis with MATLAB Dan B. Marghitu, Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Auburn University Ross Hall Auburn, AL USA ISBN e-ISBN DOI / Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg . Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB®-Dan B. Marghitu Modern technical advancements in areas such as robotics, multi-body systems, spacecraft, control, and design of complex mechanical devices and mechanisms in industry require the .
Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB®. Dan B. Marghitu. The position analysis of a kinematic chain requires the determination of the joint positions, the position of the centers of gravity. Marghitu DB () Mechanisms and robots analysis with MATLAB. Springer, London 6. Lima M, Zabka P () Design and analysis of conjugate cam mechanisms for a special weaving machine application. Rom Rev Precis Mech Opt Mechatron. with MATLAB® and emphasizes concepts, derivations, and interpretations of the general principles. Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB® will allow students to build on their knowledge of mechanics and calculus to develop an interest in the classical principles of robotics and mechanism systems.
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