You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by typing java -version in a Terminal window. If the installed version is 7u55, you will see a string that includes the text _ For example: java -version java version "_55" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build _b13). I Write Web Code Against an Application Server, Don’t They All Need Java 8? Currently, the latest versions of IBM’s Open Liberty and RedHat’s Wildfly run on Java 12, as do others. Users should download bit Java software, if they are running bit browsers. From a bit browser, download bit Java from the manual page. Starting with Java 8 Update 20, the Update tab in the Java Control Panel enables users to automatically update bit JREs (in addition to bit versions) that are installed on their system.
For general Java programming the Eclipse Classic would be appropriate. If you want to do web development, then I suggest the Java EE variant, which is suitable for JSP (it also contains everything the Classic variant does). Pick "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" for now. It does everything except JSPs. If you prefer to avoid the command line, you can use the About Java utility to find the installed Java version. To use this method, open the "Start" menu, search for "About Java," then click the first result. It is worth remembering that Minecraft has two branches of development at a technical level: the Java version, which is the one we are dealing with since the article is aimed at players of this version, that is the first to be created and available on Windows, Mac and Linux, and the Bedrock Edition version, available on smartphones and video game consoles, which are not affected by any of this.
You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by typing java -version in a Terminal window. If the installed version is 7u55, you will see a string that includes the text _ For example: java -version java version "_55" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build _b13). Simply download the latest version that's compatible with your system from the official Java website. The big red 'Download' button will automatically forward you to the right file. Users should download bit Java software, if they are running bit browsers. From a bit browser, download bit Java from the manual page. Starting with Java 8 Update 20, the Update tab in the Java Control Panel enables users to automatically update bit JREs (in addition to bit versions) that are installed on their system.